As much as i am a football fan ('mon the well!!), I just cannot believe the money that is involved in the game now a days! Remember the good old days? The days when football was about home grown talent, about enjoyment, about friendly fair competitiveness! They day's are long gone and have been replaced with corruption, greed and gambling. Funnily enough, two of them are sins and the other is a major aspect of social degradation.
For instance, Thierry Henry has transferred from Arsenal to Barcelona for £16.1 million. That's £16,100,000. Actually, here's a better way of putting it. That money could have provided 1,610,000 families with clean, safe water for life. The Salvation Army's Watershed can provide families all around the world a better life. Surely that's a better place to be putting your money.
I got a letter in this morning and enclosed was tickets to see Rob Bell in Glasgow on Saturday. "Calling the peacemakers". I cannot wait! It's going to be a fantastic event. If you haven’t seen any of Rob Bell's stuff, check out my Bebo page on my links. The video is of Rob.
I will be blogging later; however I have a notion to watch Ghostbusters II!
God Bless,
Greetings from Australia
Keep up the good work.
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